How Often Should We Brush to Prevent Plaque Build-Up?

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Cosmetic Dentistry
cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC

It’s a no-brainer that keeping up with a good dental hygiene routine is key in promoting good oral health. The average person knows that it is recommended that we brush twice a day to prevent the formation of cavities but there is so much more to maintaining your oral hygiene routine than just cavity prevention!  Let your favorite option for cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC help you learn how often you should brush to prevent plaque build-up and the health risks that come with it!

So, How Often Should You Brush?

Plaque is a sticky film that covers the teeth on a continual basis that contains bacteria. On its own, it is not too bad but over time it hardens and turns into a substance known as tartar, that cannot be easily brushed away and usually has to be removed by a dentist. When working with our clients at New Hope Dental Care, a leading dental clinic in Raleigh, NC, we recommend brushing your teeth twice a day for two full minutes. Our favorite recommendation is turning on your favorite song and jamming out while you brush to ensure you really finish the full time. If you are doing this, you are definitely on the right track towards good oral health but there are some other things you should do to really perfect the routine.

Beyond Brushing

Aside from brushing, you also need to do the basic flossing routine recommended by the American Dental Association. This recommendation states you should use floss or a different interdental cleaner once a day to prevent the accumulation of tartar between the teeth and stop the formation of cavities in these same spaces. Plus, your mouth will feel a lot nicer and your breath will smell much better if you remove all of those tiny bacterial particles trapped in your plaque!

What Happens to Your Mouth if You Do Not Brush Regularly?

The two biggest things that happen if you do not take care of your teeth properly is the formation of cavities and gum disease. These two things can cause a lot of issues, including bleeding, sensitivity, pain, gum recession, and even tooth loss if not remedied. These scary risks alone should be enough to make anyone race for their bathroom sink and start brushing away but there are more issues that can arise, as well.

Not removing the plaque that forms on your teeth can pose a massive hazard to your health. Plaque is incredibly sticky, think of it as a layer of glue on your teeth that forms over and over again during as the day goes on. When you eat or drink, the bacteria stuck within this sticky layer releases acids that begin to eat away at your enamel, leading to tooth decay.

This can get into the gums, leading to gingivitis and eventually serious periodontal disease that can cause gum recession, allowing the acids to attack the base of the teeth and underlying bone structure, loosening the teeth and increasing the risk of tooth loss or breakage. The plaque will also harden into tartar which cannot be brushed away and must be scraped off by a dentist, allowing the damage to happen on an even more severe level without intervention.

While providing cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC, the staff at New Hope Dental Care have seen a wide range of cases and often have to work to undo the damage caused by just basic lack of appropriate care leading to tartar and plaque accumulation.

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Advanced Health Risks

Aside from oral health, the presence of plaque, tartar, and the resulting periodontal diseases can also cause or be linked to a host of other issues, including diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, dementia, and complications with birth and pregnancy including premature birth, among other issues. With so much on the line, something as simple as brushing your teeth regularly can make a massive difference in your health and dramatically decrease your risk factors for a lot of very serious health issues.

A Professional Take

In the professional opinion of New Hope Dental Care, a cosmetic dentistry in Raleigh, NC provider, and the American Dental Association, brushing is a vital part of your overall health care routine. It is incredibly important to take care of your teeth. You only get one adult set after all!

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